Hazardous waste can be found in almost any workplace.
Hazardous waste can be found in almost any workplace. No matter how much or how little is produced, you will need to make sure that is disposed of properly. Non-compliance can be quite expensive, and it is also bad for the environment. There are some industries that produce hazardous waste regularly that may surprise you.
Automotive Shops and Auto Parts Cleaning
Roadways are extremely dirty, vehicle tires pick up all manner of this and that and it all gets mixed together on the roads. When you add in precipitation, all of that gross stuff can wash up into the undercarriage of your vehicle. When parts get too dirty and clogged, they need to be cleaned or you run a risk of lower efficiency. The chemicals used to perform these cleanings can be extremely harmful and should be handled and disposed of properly. Benzene, Ammonium Hydroxide, Hydrochloric Acid, and other chemicals used in these processes are highly dangerous.
Painting and Contracting
If you own a home, you have probably painted at some point. Homeowners and contractors who use paint should wear masks when painting. Masks are a valuable form of PPE that can help to protect you from harmful paint fumes. When the project is finished, that leftover paint will need to be disposed of safely. Most paints contain Methylene Chloride, Chlorobenzene, and Petroleum Distillate which, among other paint ingredients, are all considered hazardous materials.
Road Work and Construction
Picture this: It’s a gorgeous summer day, and you’re rolling down the road with your windows down and the sun shining in. All of a sudden, you smell something horrible. Then, you look around and you spot a construction crew laying down asphalt. That unpleasant odor is the smell of Acetone, Methyl Isobutyl Ketone, Acetone, Volatile Organic Compounds, and a whole host of other hazardous materials that are required to make asphalt.
No matter what kind of environmental issue you may have, AEG Environmental can help. We handle every situation with care, dedication, and a commitment to exemplary customer service. When you have an emergency, you can rely on us! Need training? We can handle that too! We train in a wide variety of environmental management areas so that your company can remain compliant with EPA, DOT, and OSHA. Make sure to check out our blog for the latest and greatest in the waste management world! You should also follow us on social media for updates.
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