Heavy metals can pose a serious threat.
Heavy metals like Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Beryllium can cause a lot of health issues if you or someone you know experiences long-term exposure or a significant amount of exposure. Today we’re going to be talking about some of the dangers of contact with heavy metals, where they may occur, and what you can do to alleviate the issues. Ready to get started? Let’s take a look.
What are the signs of heavy metal poisoning?
The symptoms for each heavy metal are slightly different, so we’re only going to go over a few of them here. For Lead, you should watch for nausea, vomiting, headaches, seizures, and ataxia. For Mercury, the symptoms also include nausea and vomiting when inhaled in its elemental form, but it can also cause fever. Arsenic can also cause nausea and vomiting along with encephalopathy, a serious disease that affect brain function. It should be noted that all of these symptoms are the result of a highly concentrated exposure to the heavy metals mentioned. If you are experiencing these symptoms in your place of work or residence, then seek the advice of a doctor before taking drastic measures.
What can you do to prevent problems with heavy metals?
Are there a lot of people who work in your facility that seem to be experiencing a decline in their health? Have people with compromised immune systems reported problems after spending time in your facility? You may have a contamination problem on your hands. If you think that your facility has been contaminated with heavy metals, then you need to seek out the help of environmentally aware professionals. Leaving the heavy metals in the area can and will result in long-term health problems for the people who come into contact with them. If you’re unsure of whether or not your location is contaminated, then you can call on us to perform an assessment. Not knowing may seem like a cheaper option, but it is an exceptionally dangerous one.
No matter what kind of environmental management issue you may have, AEG Environmental can help. We handle every situation with care, dedication, and a commitment to exemplary customer service. When you have an emergency, you can rely on us! Need training? We can handle that too! We train in a wide variety of environmental management areas so that your company can remain compliant with EPA, DOT, and OSHA. Make sure to check out our blog for the latest and greatest in the waste management world! You should also follow us on social media for updates.
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