Many different types of chemicals are used in different science classrooms around the country and many of these substances are quite toxic.
Now that school is back in session, it’s time to think about science class. Many different types of chemicals are used in different science classrooms around the country. It doesn’t matter where you are, either. Many of these substances are quite toxic. Here is a better look at the kinds of waste typically found in educational settings.
In Science Class
One of the places where you will expect to see the most hazardous chemicals is in a science classroom. That’s because chemistry and biology experiments often need them. Even when students and teachers use them in a controlled environment, they can still be dangerous. OSHA has set guidelines where it expects schools to do whatever they can to make sure chemicals and other potentially dangerous materials are handled as safely as possible. Eyewashes and safety stations are two of the most common safety measures along with gloves, coats, and goggles. The problem is that many old and unusable chemicals are often left behind.
In Storage Closets
Storage closets hide many dangerous forms of hazardous chemicals, even if it might not seem like it. This is where spare cleaning supplies, cans of paint, and lubricating materials are kept out of reach until they are needed again. The issue here is that these spaces are narrow and confined, and any fumes that start to leak can become a health and safety hazard. Every part of the school needs to be inspected for leaks and possible problems that could make a bad situation worse: think about what could happen if there is a mercury spill by one of the main exits!
In the Art Room
Art classrooms also need chemicals. Some schools still keep lead-based paints in circulation, even though they are being phased out. After all, not every school can afford new materials with every school year that comes and goes. Acrylic and watercolor-based paints are much safer to use, and in some cases, even more fun. Finally, photography classrooms and their attached darkrooms are also sources of potential chemical contamination. They still hold batches of silver for developing photos, even with the rise of digital photography replacing more traditional methods.
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