Here are steps that should be included in your COVID-19 decontamination plan.
The COVID-19 pandemic is still taking its toll on our businesses and workforce. A main priority of any business is to keep its workers protected and productive during these troubling times. It only takes one ill employee to potentially infect an entire team, which is why you shouldn’t waste any time decontaminating the area.
Getting your business clean starts with a well-thought-out decontamination plan. It’s best to be proactive when dealing with COVID-19, among other types of diseases. Here are steps that should be included in your COVID-19 decontamination plan.
Figure Out a COVID-19 Infection Timeline
A reason that COVID-19 is capable of spreading so quickly is that people can get others infected days before they even realize they have the virus. If you have sick employees, one of the first steps your business should take is to determine when the virus started shedding from them.
Knowing when the virus was first introduced to your business is a big first step, which includes knowing the point of transmission and when symptoms first began to show. In the case of symptoms, a general rule of thumb is that someone could be shedding the virus up to three days before they display any symptoms.
Determine What Equipment and Work Spaces Are Infected
Use contact tracing to determine what tools and work areas were potentially infected. It’s recommended that you interview anyone infected at your workplace. Ask about their work schedule, including what activities were performed while they were shedding the virus. What pieces of equipment were they handling? Which spots in the building did they occupy? What activities were performed during that time?
Respiratory droplets traveling as far as one meter from an infected person are considered to be the most common method of transmitting the COVID-19 virus. Some evidence suggests that virus aerosols could go an additional four meters, for a total of 13.1 feet. Use the power of contact tracing to figure out what places and tools could be infected around your business. According to the CDC, a business that is contaminated with the virus should get decontaminated up to one week from when the first contamination occurred.
Figure Out What Decontamination Methods to Use
After figuring out what spaces are potentially contaminated, you need to know what decontamination methods are best for getting your business back to being safe and clean again. COVID-19 decontamination isn’t like a standard cleaning or disinfecting of your business. It’s much more thorough and is often best done with specialized expertise. We recommend hiring a decontamination vendor to help with the process of getting your business back to normal. A third-party company will have all of the tools and expertise needed to get the job done right.
Choose AEG Environmental as Your COVID-19 Decontamination Company
Don’t risk your safety and health! If you suspect there are traces of COVID-19 in your building, call us today and get the best decontamination services you can find! With our COVID-19 decontamination services, we can get your business back to being a safe and productive environment.