Listed wastes have many different traits.
Wastes are labeled as hazardous wastes if it is found on at least one of four particular lists, which can be in the Code of Federal Regulations in title number 40. Those lists are the F, P, K, and U lists.
Lists F and K
The F list will deem wastes hazardous that originate via industrial or manufacturing processes. Since the processes that create all of these wastes could take place in various spots throughout the industry, wastes from the F list are considered to be from sources that are non-specific. These listed wastes get split into seven separate groups, which will depend on the kind of operation that makes them.
- Dioxin-bearing wastes
- Spent solvent wastes
- Wood preserving wastes
- Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons production
- Multisource leachate
- Electroplating and other metal finishing wastes
- Petroleum refinery wastewater treatment sludges
The K list gets more specific when identifying hazardous wastes. It looks at the exact sector when reviewing wastes. Because of this, wastes on the K list are said to be source-specific wastes. There are 13 categories under which these wastes can fall. The categories go as follows:
- Secondary lead processing
- Explosives manufacturing
- Veterinary pharmaceuticals manufacturing
- Ink formulation
- Wood preservation
- Inorganic chemicals manufacturing
- Organic chemicals manufacturing
- Pesticides manufacturing
- Primary aluminum production
- Iron and steel production
- Coking (processing of coal to produce coke)
- Petroleum refining
- Inorganic pigment manufacturing
Lists P and U
These lists identify different listed wastes than the prior two lists. They look at commercial-level and pure creations of particular unused chemicals that will get disposed of. If a waste is going to fall on one of these lists, there are three criteria it must satisfy first.
- It must have a chemical found on either the U list or the P list.
- The chemical that is found in the waste has to be a chemical that is unused.
- The chemical found in the waste has to be a commercial chemical product.
A commercial chemical product, as specified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is labeled as a chemical that is entirely pure, commercial-grade, or the only ingredient that is active within a formulation.
The main hazardous properties of these wastes are identified using different letters. The letters are T, R, I, and C. The “T” represents Toxicity. The “R” is for Reactivity. The “I” stands for Ignitability, and the “C” is short for Corrosivity.
Regarding wastes on the P list, if there isn’t any letter for them, it means that those wastes are listed only due to acute toxicity. Wastes on the U list, on the other hand, are listed for toxicity if they don’t have one of the aforementioned letters.
Choose AEG Environmental For All of Your Hazardous & Non-Hazardous Waste Concerns
Our team can handle any waste you put in front of us. Don’t risk your safety and health! If there has been a mess of any kind, call us today and get the best and most efficient services available for handling them!