If you are shipping in non-bulk hazardous materials shipments, you can choose from three different types of packaging: single, combination, or composite.
Hazardous materials are just that—hazardous! As a result, it’s incredibly important to get packaging right the first time and not leave anything to chance. If you are shipping in non-bulk hazardous materials shipments, you can choose from three different types of packaging: single, combination, or composite.
Single Packaging
Using the example of alcohol, a single form of packaging would be a keg. Kegs are non-bulk and have a single barrier between the hazardous material (alcohol) and the surrounding environment. The common types of single hazardous materials packaging include pails, drums, kegs, and jerricans.
Combination Packaging
Using the same above example, combination packaging would be a 12-pack of beer. Cases are a form of combination packaging because it is many units of hazardous materials in secure packaging that are then encased in additional packaging. In this case, the single packaging would be the aluminum can or glass bottle that the beer is in. The combination packaging is the outer shell, like a six-pack sleeve or cardboard box. Combination packaging is popular when multiple hazardous materials need to be shipped together. The materials can be mixed and matched in the same size containers or be all the same.
Composite Packaging
Composite packaging could be compared to box wine. Box wine contains an inner bag, typically made of plastic, that holds the wine (hazardous material). Then, the plastic bag is placed inside of a durable outer box that is appropriate for shipping. Unlike combination packaging, the two are not separated when they are used. The bag stays inside of the box for the entirety of the usage. In this case, the composite packaging is used for filling, storage, shipping, and emptying into the final destination.
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