Proper classification and documentation of hazardous materials is essential for maintaining safety in facilities.
Dealing with hazardous waste can be difficult and dangerous. That’s part of why completing all of the necessary paperwork is so important. As important as waste disposal is, you must proceed with caution. This is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. You need to know what you are doing. Storage and disposal techniques differ, so here is what you need to know.
Explosive Waste
Explosives are considered to be class 1 hazardous waste materials. Since they tend to produce heat, light, sound, smoke, and gas, they are some of the most dangerous types of waste you will ever encounter in the course of your duties. Although many people associate explosions with a large amount of smoke and fire, this isn’t always the case. High pressure can launch debris and superheated gas towards bystanders or other areas of the building in which you are working.
Compressed Gas
Compressed gases are found under class 2. When it comes to hazardous waste, you will probably see these canisters more commonly than their counterparts. You will also notice further subclasses based on whether or not the gas is flammable, non-flammable, or poisonous. Each one presents a unique hazard. Gases can lead to fires and suffocate anyone who is not equipped with the proper PPE.
Oxygen is important for every living thing on the planet. And yet, it can be one of the riskiest types of hazardous waste when you need to get rid of it. Oxidizers belong to class 5 and they produce oxygen. This sounds harmless until you remember that oxygen is a key ingredient in fire.
Corrosive Waste
Next up on our list is a look at corrosive waste. They are included in class 8. These substances are capable of seeping through or melting the containers they are kept in, which makes them even more difficult to handle. Acids and bases can both be considered corrosive, particularly when their pH level is lower than 2 or higher than 12.5.
No matter what kind of environmental issue you may have, AEG Environmental can help. We handle every situation with care, dedication, and a commitment to exemplary customer service. When you have an emergency, you can rely on us! Need training? We can handle that too! We train in a wide variety of environmental management areas so that your company can remain compliant with EPA, DOT, and OSHA. Make sure to check out our blog for the latest and greatest in the waste management world! You should also follow us on social media for updates.
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