AEG Environmental

How to Create a Strong Emergency Response Plan

In order to make a solid emergency response plan, here’s what you’ll need to do.

All workplaces have different types of safety hazards that need to be taken into consideration. While we try our best to address these safety hazards, and keep our employees protected, it’s still important to be prepared in case an emergency situation were to arise. This means you need to have a strong emergency response plan ready to go. In order to make a solid emergency response plan, here’s what you’ll need to do.

Know Your Safety Risks

In order to plan for emergency situations, you need to know what safety risks are present around your business. This will help you determine what potential emergencies could arise. You’ll want to perform a hazard assessment so you can see what could pose a danger to you, and also review your employee incident history so you can see what emergencies have happened in the past.

Identify and Determine Communications

If you’re going to respond to an emergency situation quickly, you’ll need to have an effective communication system in place. That’s why part of your emergency response plan should include deciding how people in your company will be notified of these emergency scenarios. Not only should you know how to notify your employees of emergencies, but you should also know what instructions to give them when emergencies happen.

Perform Training, Exercises, and Drills

It’s one thing to write down your emergency response plan, but it’s quite another thing to actually practice it. That’s why it’s good to perform incident drills and trainings regularly. This way, if an emergency situation actually occurs, you’ll already have experience going through the necessary follow-up steps.

Assess Your Business’s Safety Resources

This is especially important if you work in a facility that has dangerous equipment. You’ll want to get this equipment inspected regularly, and replace/upgrade this equipment as needed. It’s also important to monitor other safety features, such as smoke alarms or even walkways that would let people evacuate your facility during an emergency scenario.

Call AEG Environmental for Hazardous Waste Management Services!

AEG Environmental has the skills, resources, and training to solve any environmental issue you may face. As of 2025, our team will have 30 years of experience transporting and disposing of non-hazardous, hazardous, infectious, and universal wastes. We welcome projects big and small and pride ourselves in our exceptional customer service. For more information about our hazardous waste disposal and transport services, please contact us today!