Take a look at these toxic metals that can be dangerous to your staff.
Workplace safety is paramount for any kind of business, so eliminating the risks workers face will always be a top priority. In some industries, employees may be at risk for being exposed to different toxic metals. In large enough quantities, these metals can pose a serious threat to our health. We want to make you aware of the different metals that can be harmful to your staff so you know to be cautious when working with these metals. Take a look at these toxic metals that can be dangerous to your staff.
When there are places with high concentrations of hazardous waste, you can sometimes come across arsenic. It’s also found inside of soil, rocks, as well as water. If you disturb it, the levels of arsenic could become concentrated enough that they can pose a serious health hazard.
Arsenic has been linked to various health issues. These includes hypopigmentation, diabetes, and cancer.
Beryllium is usually something you’ll encounter if you are working in the mining field. When workers mine and extract alloy metals, these metals can sometimes have beryllium in them. It’s when beryllium is extracted in this manner that workers have the highest likelihood of being exposed to this toxic metal.
This toxic metal can inflame the lungs and cause chest pain. On top of that, people exposed to this metal may experience fevers, fatigue, and nodules on their bodily tissues.
Cadmium is among the more toxic metals you can encounter, and you’re most likely to encounter it if you’re in an industry that smelts and/or processes ore. You can find cadmium either with silver soldiers, or you can find it in alloys as well.
With enough exposure to cadmium, people can experience proteinuria, osteomalacia, and lung cancer.
Among all of the toxic metals people encounter in the workforce, lead is probably one of the more common metals to see. It’s often found in firing ranges, radiator repair shops, and in the construction industry. Too much lead can result in brain deficiencies, nausea, and vomiting.
Mercury is another one of those more commonplace toxic metals. You’ll often find it if you work in mining and production industries, or if you have to transport mercury at your job.
If you’re exposed to mercury in large enough doses, you could experience conditions such as fever and vomiting.
Call AEG Environmental for Waste Management Services!
AEG Environmental has the skills, resources, and training to solve any environmental issue you may face. Our team has over 27 years of experience transporting and disposing of non-hazardous, hazardous, infectious, and universal wastes. We welcome projects big and small and pride ourselves in our exceptional customer service. If you need help remaining in compliance with hazardous waste training, contact us today!