When undergoing hazardous waste disposal, make sure you are following these best practices.
It’s not easy managing your hazardous waste. You have to know all of the different rules and regulations that come with handling this waste so that you don’t get yourself into trouble. To help you determine how to handle your waste, we’ll be going over some of the best practices for disposing of hazardous waste. When undergoing hazardous waste disposal, make sure you are following these best practices.
Labeling Your Waste
For anyone handling hazardous waste, you should understand that you have to label and mark whatever container you use to store the waste. You should always place a label on the container saying that there is hazardous waste in there. The date in which the waste was inserted should be there, as well. On top of that, every container has to have the following labels.
- The physical state and composition of your hazardous waste
- What properties your waste has, such as whether it’s corrosive or flammable
- Generator’s name and address
Undergo Hazardous Waste Determinations
Another part of hazardous waste disposal is to properly classify all of the waste that they create, and they have to understand which regulations they should apply, which will vary depending on their waste generator status. When making any hazardous waste determinations, you need to follow three crucial steps. You should find out whether or not the material you’re observing is a solid waste. Then, you should figure out whether or not this waste is supposed to be excluded from any hazardous waste regulations. Lastly, you need to find out if the waste you’re reviewing is known as a “listed” hazardous waste.
Proper Hazardous Waste Disposal
You should never get rid of hazardous waste by putting it into sewer systems or municipal dumpsters, whether it’s accidental or intentional. There are hazardous waste generator requirements that all companies need to understand. These requirements tell workers all of the procedures they need to follow if they are to abide by proper hazardous waste disposal methods, as well as reporting.
One of the critical requirements that generators must understand is the “cradle to grave” requirement. It is the responsibility of every generator of hazardous waste to properly dispose of hazardous waste streams that they have.
Manage Expired Hazardous Waste
Chemicals will expire eventually, and part of proper hazardous waste disposal procedures involves finding these expired chemicals and finding a good place to dispose of them. Once chemicals hit their expiration date, they can become incredibly dangerous. If you let them commingle with other kinds of reactive agents, or even if they decompose because of aging, these chemicals can quickly become an incredibly large hazard.
In order to minimize, or outright eliminate, the risks that come with expired chemicals, you have to understand the necessary procurement procedures, inventory management, and all of the practices to be followed at the end of a chemical’s lifespan.
Contact AEG Environmental Today!
For all of your concerns with hazardous waste disposal, AEG Environmental can assist you. We’ve been helping people dispose of their hazardous waste for over 20 years. Our staff works well with every client we meet, and we follow all of the necessary procedures to ensure that waste is disposed of in a safe manner. Contact us today if you’re interested in our services.