PPE is all of the special equipment that is used to protect people from exposure to dangerous materials.
When in a setting where there are hazardous materials, the health and safety of everyone there should be a top priority. One of the ways that this safety is maintained is by the use of PPE, or personal protective equipment. PPE is all of the special equipment that is used to protect people from exposure to dangerous materials. It is everything from simple gloves and goggles to full coveralls with filtered masks. Unfortunately, it isn’t always the most maneuverable or comfortable workwear. There are several questions you can ask yourself about your PPE that will give you an idea of how “wearable” it is.
Are the Fit and Protection Reliable?
Most importantly, your PPE should be reliable. Your employees should feel safe and protected from any mishaps when wearing it. The fit and safety of the PPE go Hand-in-hand. If your clothing is too large or too small, it can limit your range of motion or cause you to trip. It is the same with PPE. The gear cannot protect if it does not fit properly. If there is a mask involved, it should have a strong seal with the skin. Aprons should tie so that the wearer is totally protected. Boots should stay firmly attached to the feet and legs.
Is it Easy to Care for and Maintain?
It is also important that the PPE be easy to maintain. You don’t want protection to become an arduous task for employees. It is also important that the PPE be easy to clean because certain hazardous materials should not have contact with one another. You would also want to know right away if any repairs are necessary.
Can it Be Put on and Removed with Ease?
Last but certainly not least is assessing whether the PPE is easy to put on and remove. Protection should come easily and not take extra time to deal with.
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