AEG Environmental is the perfect company to hire in White Marsh, Maryland, if you need hazardous material technicians.
Does your White Marsh, Maryland business have the ability to benefit from having help from hazardous material technicians? If it does, then you should consider hiring AEG Environmental. AEG Environmental is the perfect company to hire in White Marsh, Maryland, if you need hazardous material technicians. We have experience helping a wide range of industries that all work with hazardous materials constantly. This way, your waste will always be handled with the utmost care and caution.
What to Know About Our Hazardous Material Technicians
AEG Environmental is an industrial cleaning company located in Maryland. Our staff strives to help facilities reach environmental compliance in as economically-efficient a manner as possible. Getting facilities to be environmentally compliant will be no issue for us, given that we have over twenty years’ worth of experience doing this for our clients.
Once we arrive at your facility, we’ll do an analysis of the premises and establish what goals have to be accomplished to achieve environmental compliance. You can get all sorts of different services from our team. Such services include the following: lab packing services, 24-hour emergency response, hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal, site remediation, and vacuum tanker services.
Reviewing What Our Hazardous Material Technicians Do
Every person on our staff is specially trained to handle whatever hazardous materials you may have for us. We handle all kinds of wastes, such as infectious wastes, universal wastes, as well as hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. When handling your waste, our hazardous material technicians will be careful not to cause any damage to your property.
Our Cleanup Services
AEG Environmental works closely with various facilities, and working with this network of facilities makes it easier to transport, store, and dispose of whatever waste you give us. We handle all kinds of hazardous waste, including sludge, liquid, and solid varieties.
During hazardous waste disposal, we can either have your waste transported using drums, or we can move it in bulk. There are a lot of transportation options that we offer, including van trailers, flat beds, straight trucks, and vacuum boxes.
What Will Happen to Your Hazardous Materials?
When you hand us your hazardous waste, that waste goes to facilities called TSDFs that will treat, store, and dispose of it properly.
Non-hazardous waste gets handled a little bit differently. Instead, non-hazardous wastes go straight to waste consolidation facilities. Afterward, the waste goes to other facilities, which are given special approval for disposing of it. We offer all of our clients a Certificate of Disposal if they would like. On this certificate, you will be notified of the location of your waste disposal and when said disposal occurred.
Contact AEG Environmental for Hazardous Material Technicians You Can Trust!
AEG Environmental has the skills, resources, and training to solve any environmental issue you may face. Our team of hazardous material technicians has over 20 years of experience transporting and disposing of non-hazardous, hazardous, infectious, and universal wastes. We welcome both projects, big and small, and we pride ourselves in our exceptional customer service. For more information about our waste transport and disposal services, please contact us today!