When you work with AEG Environmental, mercury remediation will be handled safely and efficiently.
Are you on the search for a company that offers mercury remediation services? If so, contact our staff at AEG Environmental. We have a fantastic team of employees ready to help, and they are all seasoned with years of experience in the field. When you work with AEG Environmental, mercury remediation will be handled safely and efficiently.
What Makes Mercury Dangerous?
Elemental mercury spills are not only more common than you may think, but they are also highly dangerous. If an elemental mercury spill doesn’t get cleaned properly, it will pose severe risks to anyone around the facility. Whenever elemental mercury falls onto hard surfaces, it can often end up bursting into microbeads. These microbeads can travel up to three feet for every foot from which the mercury fell. Since microbeads cover more surface area, they are much more dangerous. The vapors that come from the microbeads are harmful to all people and especially damaging to children and people with weaker immune systems. If you suspect there is mercury contaminating your property, you have to take action immediately because it can result in serious health problems otherwise. Mercury has to be handled very cautiously, and it’s for this reason that you need highly trained professionals to provide you with mercury remediation services. AEG Environmental has the experience that you need to safely carry out mercury remediation services.
AEG Environmental Has Experienced Professionals
It’s very difficult to clean up mercury microbeads and vapors. Our team has some of the best staff in the industry to properly respond to these mercury spills. We have worked with mercury spills for over 20 years, meaning we’ll know how to properly assess your worksite and provide you with effective solutions to your problems. Our responders will assess your spill site, then come up with a plan for how to properly decontaminate your property. This will minimize all of the liability and risk concerns that come with hazardous mercury spills.
Where Can Mercury Remediation Be Done?
Mercury spills can happen in all sorts of places. These are some of the locations in which we have dealt with mercury spills in the past:
- Homes & Apartments
- Ships
- Vehicles
- Dental Offices
- Hospitals
- Historic Buildings
- Utilities
- Medical Clinics
- Schools
- Government Facilities
- Laboratories
- Doctor’s Offices
A Proper Mercury Assessment
When getting a mercury problem assessed, a few questions will come up. Have mercury spills happened on that property before? If there were past spills, did the site get decontaminated properly? Elemental mercury is a metal with a silver coloring, and it will be liquid when at room temperature. While mercury is a naturally-occurring metal and it is acknowledged as a highly dangerous chemical, there are also many products that make use of this substance, including light bulbs, blood pressure cuffs, switches, and thermometers. Sometimes, mercury will get spilled from these items on accident, causing mercury to be released into the open. If people get exposed to mercury vapors, there can be devastating consequences.
Let AEG Environmental Extend Its Mercury Remediation Services To You!
We are a trusted team of mercury remediation and environmental waste professionals in Baltimore, Maryland. Don’t risk your safety and health! If you think there has been a mercury spill, call us today and get a proper mercury assessment of your property.