Since 1995

Mercury Spill Response Services in Dauphin, Pennsylvania

aeg environmental mercury spill response services in Dauphin

Is your company seeking mercury spill response services in Dauphin, PA?

Is your company seeking mercury spill response services in Dauphin, PA? Mercury can be dangerous when people don’t handle it as they should. The pollution poses substantial environmental and human health risks, particularly in indoor settings where exposure increases. So, you must always be careful when you work around mercury. Fortunately, AEG Environmental is equipped to manage any facility needs for clients in different settings. Please call AEG Environmental at our 24-hour emergency response number, 410-494-7587 , or toll-free at 1-877-876-1100.


There are organizations throughout Dauphin that manage hazardous materials daily, including mercury. So, there will always be that possibility of attempting to prevent mercury spills. However, you know that any spill that occurs can be cleaned efficiently by a trustworthy company that provides mercury spill response services. Consider AEG Environmental for your go-to mercury spill response services on the East Coast!


At AEG Environmental, we meet all of your company’s response needs, despite when they occur. We offer 24/7 emergency response services beyond Dauphin, PA, ensuring that our expertise in mercury remediation is available throughout the surrounding areas:

  • Baltimore, MD
  • Maryland
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Pennsylvania
  • Northern Virginia
  • Delaware


Mercury can be highly dangerous, significantly when it drops from high places, converting it into microbeads. The microbeads travel 3x the distance for every foot mercury drops. Because the microbeads cover the additional surface area, mercury is dangerous. Unfortunately, the microbeads become vapor that people can possibly inhale. If people inhale mercury in this gaseous form, it can impact their immune systems. If your residential property requires mercury spill response services in Dauphin, PA, please call AEG Environmental toll-free at 1-877-876-1100!

Tips on Cleaning Up a Mercury Spill

  • Avoid utilizing a vacuum cleaner to clean up mercury. The vacuum will release tiny mercury droplets into the air, which will evaporate faster, increasing your chance of breathing high levels of mercury vapor.
  • Never pour mercury down a drain because it can block the “p” traps and continue to vaporize into the room. The substance may also pollute wastewater treatment plants or septic tanks.
  • To limit the spread of spilled mercury, people wearing mercury-contaminated clothing or shoes should not be allowed to walk around the house.
  • Mercury can contaminate the washer and pollute sewage. Never wash mercury-contaminated clothing in the washing machine. Instead, dispose of it at your local household hazardous waste collection site.

If young children, the elderly, or pregnant women are in the house, seek further advice from your local or state health or environmental agency immediately.


Mercury is a substance that you can find in many items, such as lightbulbs, batteries, and thermometers. But what about this substance actually presents a hazard to your business?

It’s Harmful to Your Employees’ Health

Inhaling mercury vapors means the substance can enter your lungs and bloodstream, leading to health problems. Even short-term exposure to mercury is detrimental because it may result in issues such as vomiting, nausea, and breathing difficulties. Side effects only worsen with long-term mercury exposure. The amount of mercury you are exposed to might influence the severity of health complications.

A Mercury Spill is Complex to Clean Up

A mercury spill is problematic because sometimes it is difficult to clean. Mercury can split into microbeads, making tracking difficult, especially if they enter tiny crevices. It’s only considered complex if it satisfies one or more of the following criteria:

  • The spill consists of more than 30 millimeters of mercury or more than 1 pound
  • The spill occurred on a porous surface
  • The spill covers a large area


Isolate the Area

The first thing you must do is announce that a mercury spill has occurred and seal off the area. Part of this process involves determining the extent of the spillage and anything that may have been damaged along the way. Make sure to notify employees by using warning signs, barrier tape, or locked doors to prevent the contamination from spreading.

Ventilate the Premises

The next step, depending on where the spill occurred, is to do anything to stop further contamination of assets and potential harm to people and the natural environment outside of your facility. For instance, open windows or exterior doors and turn on fans that vent to the outside. You may also close interior doors between the spill area and the rest of the workplace. Always make sure to utilize personal protective equipment (PPE) when performing work like this.

Clean Up the Mercury Spill

You may use tweezers or tongs to pick up broken glass and debris or a suction device to pick up the mercury. Once you have collected the mercury, place it into a sealable container with a label indicating it’s dangerous. It is perfectly understandable if your employees are not equipped to clean up the mercury spill. Sometimes, putting the materials in disposable containers or even plastic bags can be enough.

In other cases, heavier-duty equipment and more refined training might be necessary to help contain the spill and prevent the emergency from worsening. With over 20 years of experience providing mercury spill response services to clients around the DMV area, including Pennsylvania, AEG Environmental will be able to accurately examine your site and offer solutions.

Mercury Disposal (Without Professional Assistance)

Take the contaminated materials to a mercury recycler. You shouldn’t combine mercury waste with other waste or dispose of it down a drain.


Many commercial and residential properties in Dauphin and surrounding communities in Pennsylvania can benefit from mercury response services. If you ever think your business or home might require mercury response services, AEG Environmental is ready to assist you. We serve many industries, including:

  • Hospitals
  • Medical Clinics
  • Homes & Apartments
  • Utilities
  • Schools
  • Ships
  • Government Facilities
  • Laboratories
  • Vehicles
  • Historic Buildings


AEG Environmental was an invaluable player during the anthrax response and mitigation phases from 2001 to 2004. – John B., Washington, DC

I appreciate that AEG Environmental is always there for us. – Megan L., Frederick, MD

My life has gotten significantly less chaotic since I started working with AEG Environmental. – Casey B., Baltimore, MD

My headaches go away when AEG Environmental handles my waste disposal. – Bud S, Chicago, IL


We are a trusted team of mercury remediation and environmental waste professionals in Dauphin, Pennsylvania. Don’t risk your safety and health! If you think there has been a mercury spill, call us today and get a proper mercury assessment of your property.

 P.O. Box 710 Manchester, Maryland 21102-0710