If you need stellar plant decommissioning services in White Marsh, Maryland, then AEG Environmental is the company you want to contact.
Does your facility in White Marsh, Maryland, have a reason to use plant decommissioning services? If it does, then AEG Environmental will be ready to assist you. If you need stellar plant decommissioning services in White Marsh, Maryland, then AEG Environmental is the company you want to contact. We have some of the best services for plant decommissioning in the state because of the twenty years of experience we have in the field. When we perform plant decommissioning for you, we’ll be sure it gets done as seamlessly and safely as we can.
Our Plant Decommissioning Services are Highly Reliable
The economy and environment aren’t quite like how they used to be back in the day. Chemicals have much shorter lifespans these days, and because this is the case, companies that work with these chemicals will have to become more adaptive to changes.
Chemical plants have many reasons for undergoing plant decommissioning. Sometimes, it’s due to technology being old and outdated. In other instances, corporate takeovers could be the reason. Sometimes, plants have to be relocated.
Plant decommissioning takes a large amount of time to complete, and given the complexity of the process, it’s best to hire professionals to help you with the task.
Reviewing All Three “Ds” of Decommissioning
There are three words that summarize the plant decommissioning process, and those words are decontamination, dismantling, and disposal.
The first step is the decontamination process. This is when the plant is rid of all of its contaminants. There are many methods for decontaminating a plant, such as mechanical cleaning, heating, washing, or ice blasting. The time needed to decontaminate a plant will depend on how many contaminants there are and what types of contaminants have to be addressed.
After that, we have the dismantling process. It’s a multi-step process that takes a long time to complete. Since this is a technical job, it should only be performed with the expertise of a professional plant decommissioning company.
Disposal is the final step in the process. During this step, plants will either get relocated or they get disposed of in their entirety. Just like with dismantling, the disposal process should only ever be done by highly-experienced professionals.
Our Staff are Highly-Trained in Plant Decommissioning
Plant commissioning is a process that many facilities know how to carry out, but decommissioning can be a much more tricky process. This is why only trained professionals should ever handle this procedure.
The company you pick should be highly trustworthy because the first steps of decommissioning have to remain confidential. We at AEG Environmental will make sure that we keep your information private at all times.
Pick AEG Environmental to Supply You With Your Plant Decommissioning Services!
No matter what kind of environmental management issue you may be facing, AEG Environmental will help. We handle every situation with care, dedication, and a commitment to exemplary customer service. When you have an emergency, you can rely on us! Contact us today to get started. We’re the best team for expert plant decommissioning services.