Stormwater vaults require regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure that the filtration systems do not become clogged with soil and debris. When stormwater vaults are not regularly cleaned, it can slow your stormwater runoff control system and make it significantly less effective. In addition, routine maintenance of your water vault is a necessity in order to remain in compliance with stormwater runoff regulations, which is why you must work closely with an experienced stormwater vault cleaning company that can ensure your facility is following best practices that are in line with all federal, state, and local regulations.
At AEG Environmental, we have the skills and experience needed to keep your facility in compliance and can perform stormwater vault cleanings, even in closed detention systems which can only be handled by technicians who are trained and certified to work confined spaces. We offer stormwater vault cleaning services to clients in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Northern Virginia. With over 20 years of experience in the industry and a wide range of certified technicians on staff, you can trust that we have the skills and knowledge required to effectively and efficiently clean your stormwater vault while ensuring that it remains in compliance.
What is a stormwater vault?
A stormwater vault is designed to prevent excess runoff from entering waterways in sites that have been developed, most often in an urban setting. By managing the flow of runoff, they help to prevent flooding and soil erosion around local waterways. Located underground and often installed beneath parking lots, the stormwater system includes a passive filter that can easily become clogged with debris. When this happens, the filter must be manually cleaned in order to restore the system to its most efficient working order.
There are two types of stormwater vaults:
Vortex sedimentation vaults contain a vessel of a cylindrical shape which causes incoming water to spiral, causing heavy materials to sink. A settling mechanism is then used to capture grease, oils, solids, and floatables. These vaults are generally easier to clean and maintain than closed detention systems.
Closed detention systems consist of a system of pipes or a vault which stores stormwater temporarily before slowly releasing it. Because these systems are enclosed and can contain hazardous gasses and chemicals, they can only be cleaned and maintained by technicians who are certified to work in confined spaces.